Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I've always cut my family's hair. I've nicked a couple ears, got lost in thought and totally buzzed some locks that were supposed to be trimmed just a little. I remember dropping some running clippers during Mick's haircut once, in order to get a package from the FedEx guy. The fall broke them. The package happened to be holding a horse order with the horse clippers I had sent away for. Mick's haircut was completed with these.Today's cuts included a teens long layered cut for Sam, a military buzz for Micah, and a trim for Laura where the ends form a smile curve and layers around her face to frame it. I love the snip , snip sound, and the time to visit with my kids. They make me laugh. Micah was admiring his own chest hair. Then he brushed it off his chest, neck and shoulders and said "thanks for the haircut , Mom." I sweep the locks into a downey pile and fling them out the back door for the birds.

1 comment:

scott J tyler said...

I remember when I was a little kid and I thought it was exceptionally cool that you cut Pete's hair and so I begged you to cut mine. And then I was bummed when you could not cut it because of my cowlick, or rather you could not cut it the way I wanted, I can't remember which. I am sure you are much more skilled these days. It was at Grandma and Grandpa's Fort Wayne house. I miss that house.